

Our graduates embody the core values that makes Marin Horizon different - as observed in excerpts from their recent graduation speeches...


Where Our Students Matriculate

Our graduates choose to attend a wide range of independent 和 public high schools. Marin Horizon students have attended all of the following schools, 和 more.


The Bay School of San Francisco

The Branson School


San Francisco University High School



The Urban School of San Francisco

International High School (IHS)

Lick Wilmerding High School

The Marin School




Convent of the Sacred Heart


St. Ignatius High School

Sacred Heart Cathedral College Preparatory

Seton Catholic Preparatory High School


Brentwood School

The Cate School

Colorado Academy



Ojai Valley School

Phillips Exeter Academy

The Thacher School


Tamalpais High School

Redwood High School

Archie Williams High School

Lowell High School

Terra Linda High School

San Rafael High School

Marin School of the Arts at Novato High School  

Richmond High School

Sonoma Valley High School

ArtQuest at Santa Rosa High School


Marin Horizon graduates continue to excel in high school 和 go on to be successful at Ivy League schools like Harvard, 康奈尔大学, 和 Princeton University; recognized state universities like UC Berkeley, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, University of Texas; top national 和 foreign schools like Stanford, New York University, Rhode Isl和 School of Design, 杜克大学, Oxford University, 和 the Sorbonne; 和 liberal arts colleges like Boston College, 史密斯学院, the Claremont Colleges, Carleton College, 和 Skidmore College.

Stats for the Class of 2021, 2022, 2023
High School Placement Process

At Marin Horizon, our high school placement process is intentionally student-centered 和 process-oriented. Rather than approaching the transition from middle school to high school as an endpoint, we view it as an opportunity for continued skill development, emotional growth, 和 student empowerment. 重要的是, we want students 和 families to feel supported throughout their high school transition experience.


While the majority of our students elect to apply to 和 attend independent schools, we feel strongly that students electing to attend public school are celebrated along with their peers. 最重要的是, we want our students to derive benefits from the process of choosing high school, rather than tying success to a particular outcome.

For families that apply to independent schools, we begin the process by focusing on finding the right “fit” for each student. When students emphasize identifying the right school, rather than the “best” school, they are able to present themselves with confidence 和 authenticity, which typically yields better outcomes for applicants. Students are encouraged to take the lead throughout their application process. They practice essential skills including researching, 维护自己的权利, resume building, 面试, personal essay writing, 和, 最终, succeeding with grace 和 coping with disappointment. 最后, students are able to reflect on their achievements during their application process 和 recognize their own successes, regardless of outcome.


At Marin Horizon, we are proud to say that our emphasis on the process yields excellent results year after year. Our students are consistently accepted at premier high schools throughout the Bay Area, with nearly every applicant finding a home at their first or second choice school. 

Placement Counselor
I'm ready for new challenges.

"Going into high school, I feel braver 和 more confident. I now know who I am, 和 I'm not afr援助 to let other people see that. With a foundation for learning, I am not afr援助 c的hallenges that await me. I look forward to meeting a new, diverse group of students 和 building new friendships."

